Smartphone hackers invited to Hackathon
Nürburg, Germany, 16 Feb 2018 – 18 Feb 2018
The EIT Health RAMSES (Remote Access to Medical Information on Smartphones during Emergencies and Halth CriseS) Innovation project consortium is calling on enthusiastic hackers, business professionals and designers to develop prototypes and new businesses around emergency case management via remote access to smartphones. The aim is to develop solutions that improve communication, information and decision-making in emergency situations.
Hackers will work on specific challenges proposed by sponsors: Smartphone Hack, App Development or Imbedding Vital Sensoric. Alternatively, hackers may bring their own ideas.
The programme will be rounded off by key notes and educational sessions:
- Design Thinking
- Business Modeling
- Presentation Training
- IP
- Trademark protection
This event is an excellent opportunity to more than 100 programmers, coders, designers and business experts to build software solutions around emergency case communication.
Further information can be found here
To register for the event please use this link