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Newsletter Subscription ist dabei: Die Greener Manufacturing Show 2021 in Köln

English version below ist dabei: Die Greener Manufacturing Show 2021 in Köln

Die Greener Manufacturing Show ist eine Messe für alle Unternehmen, die auf Nachhaltigkeit ausgerichtet sind und ihre Produkte aus nachhaltigeren Materialien entwerfen und herstellen, die Verwendung giftiger Chemikalien einschränken und eliminieren und die Auswirkungen ihrer Industrie- und Fertigungsprozesse auf die Umwelt und den globalen Klimawandel reduzieren möchten. Informieren Sie sich über die neuesten Technologien und Lösungen und finden Sie neue Partner:innen, die Sie bei der Erreichung all Ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsziele unterstützen. ist mit einem Gemeinschaftsstand auf der Messe am 10./11. November 2021 vertreten und bietet attraktive Ausstellungsangebote. Wenn Sie Interesse an den Konditionen haben oder sich anmelden möchten, schicken wir Ihnen gerne die Unterlagen zu. Bitte kontaktieren Sie dazu, Frau Drache von unserem Kooperationspartner BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH per E-Mail oder rufen Sie uns unter +49 (0)176 40738084 an.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Plätze limitiert sind und nach Erhalt/bei Eingang der Anmeldungen vergeben werden. at The Greener Manufacturing Show 2021 in Cologne

On 10/11 November 2021, The Greener Manufacturing Show opens its gates for all companies that are focused on sustainability and want to design and manufacture their products from more sustainable materials, limit and eliminate the use of toxic chemicals and reduce the impact of their industrial and manufacturing processes on the environment and global climate change. Learn about the latest technologies and solutions and find new partners to help you achieve all your sustainability goals. is represented at the fair with a joint stand and attractive exhibition offers. If you are interested in the conditions or would like to register, we will be happy to send you the documents. Please contact Ms. Drache from our cooperation partner BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH  by e-mail or call us at +49 (0)176 40738084.

Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on receipt of registrations.




  10.11. & 11.11.2021
  auf Anfrage

Cooperation Partner

NRW.Global Business

The state-owned trade and investment agency NRW.Global Business is the partner for all companies when it comes to investment projects and settling in North Rhine-Westphalia, developing growth markets and networking with international business partners.

NRW.Global Business conducts international location marketing for Germany’s No. 1 investment location, North Rhine-Westphalia, and promotes foreign direct investment here worldwide. The experts at NRW.Global Business support investors in tax and legal matters and provide detailed information on the economic structure and industry clusters. They analyze investment plans, identify suitable locations and accompany an investment project from the first step to successful settlement and beyond.

In close coordination with its partners NRW.Global Business provides a variety of measures tailored to the companies’ needs: It is responsible for the organisation of joint trade fair presentations abroad as well as the coordination and support of international trade delegations from North Rhine-Westphalia to foreign countries. Numerous other industry information and brokerage events offer companies additional assistance in setting up and expanding international business.




bitop is a German owner-run biotech company, specialized in the biotechnological fermentation of natural stress-protection molecules, so called Extremolytes. We supply our molecules as highly effective and 100% natural ingredients to the Cosmetics, Pharma & Consumer Health Care, as well as  Life-Science industry. 

Founded as a spin-off of University Witten-Herdecke in 1993, bitop has become an internationally operating expert in the biotechnological manufacturing in the past years. Based on our long-term fermentation experience, we offer customers a one-stop service at our state-of-the art DIN ISO 13485 certified plant located at Phönix-West in Dortmund. We provide comprehensive fermentation services from strain development and optimization, fermentation process development, process amplification to large-scale fermentation production.

Biotechnology is a scientific field that draws from millions of years of evolution in which living beings have specialized in producing and recycling all kinds of compounds and materials. These biological processes can be used to efficiently produce materials with lower pollution, water, land, and energy use than traditional methods.


BioEcho Life Sciences

BioEcho Life Sciences was founded in 2016 by a team of industry experts from the field of nucleic acid purification. We use our know-how to overcome the limitations of common methods in molecular biology.

Just like our customers, BioEcho follows the mission to always be one step ahead. We develop and produce next-generation technologies and products to enable molecular biology and diagnostics laboratory workflows of higher convenience, higher robustness, and higher sustainability.

We are committed to encouraging ecological responsibility by proving that plastic waste can be reduced, packaging materials can be recyclable, and the use of hazardous materials can be minimized — without drastically increasing the price.

The innovative EchoLUTION single-step extraction technology forms the basis of the DNA and RNA extraction kits and speeds up the process drastically. Unlike conventional bind-wash-elute methods, all impurities are held back by the purification matrix and the nucleic acid is running through untouched. This results in highly pure DNA and RNA since no inhibitory effects or reagent carry-over during the elution step are possible.

One of BioEcho’s assets is a close customer relationship. Please feel free to contact the BioEcho team for any request or customized solution via .