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BIO.NRW cordially invites to its 10th Business Angel Congress (BAC) this year as an online event from Studio47 in Duisburg on March 8th, 2021. For the tenth time in a row the international BIO.NRW Business Angel Congress promises to be a highlight again. “FRESH START – NOVEL OPPORTUNITIES FOR START UPS IN LIFE SCIENCES” is the title of this year’s event in cooperation with EIT Health. The congress takes up new approaches to provide creative funding for the biotech and life science scene. This year the focus will be on chances opened by the pandemic and the opportunities for start ups in life sciences.

Both, new developments and established tools will be presented and discussed among founders, SMEs, business angels, venture capitalists, institutional investors and representatives of the EIT and policy makers.

See and feel the first-hand news – worldwide for founders, CEOs, BAs, Super Angels and institutional investors.


BIO.NRW以及BIO CM 北威州生物产业集群管理公司诚挚邀请您参加今年的第十届商业天使投资人大会10th Business Angel Congress (BAC)。线上会议将于2021年3月8日在杜伊斯堡Studio47工作室举行。这是BAC首次向中国观众开放访问,邀请中国参与者通过线上观看的形式免费参与。大会嘉宾将与参与者分享为生物技术和生命科学领域提供创新资金的新方法。 今年会议的重点将着眼于初创型企业在生命科学上的发展机遇以及新冠疫情所带来的机会。届时德国的中小企业代表,商业天使投资人,德国创新型企业创始人,机构投资者以及企业所得税和政策制定者代表将会参加本次投资大会。


会议时间: 北京时间 20:00 – 23:00







8th of March 2021
20:00 – 23:00 o’clock (Beijing)
Online Congress
Contact for questions


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