RIN Stoffströme – Catching all the carbon – valorisation of carbon containing gas streams
This workshop deals with the manifold aspects needed for the efficient valorisation of carbon containing gas streams like CO2, CO, synthesis gas, or methane. For a sustainable utilisation of these gas streams, more than just an efficient conversion process is needed. A multitude of further aspects are pivotal to set up sound business cases and to establish a working circular economy based on these feedstocks. Aspects like logistics, regulations and framework conditions, as well as holistic utilisation concepts for the derived building blocks have to be considered. Such aspects will be considered in this workshop.
Please register via www.clib2021.de
This workshop is organised by the Regional Innovation Network “RIN Stoffströme“ together with CLIB2021. The RIN Stoffströme (www.stoffstroeme.de), is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of NRW since 2014 and is coordinated by CLIB2021, together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft (DGAW), and the EnergieAgentur.NRW. The project’s goal is to improve exploitation of biomass, wastes, and side streams in the cross-border region of NRW and The Netherlands.
The workshop is co-organised by the BIG-Cluster Think Tank “C1 Bioconversion”, a cross-border working group also coordinated by CLIB2021. It members from academia, SMEs, big industry, and networks unify the vision to establish C1 bioconversion technologies and the respective value chains in the BIG-Cluster region of Flanders in Belgium, The Netherlands and NRW.