BIO.NRW Establishes the Marketplace of Innovations
Werden Sie Teil des BIO.NRW-Gemeinschaftsstandes auf der Greener Manufacturing Conference & Expo in Köln
Das 4mal in Folge richtet BIO.NRW auf der The Greener Manufacturing Show (GMS) einen Gemeinschaftsstand für NRW- Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Vereine/Projekte auf der Köln Messe aus.
Neu in diesem Jahr: Der Konferenzteil der GMS findet verteilt auf drei Bühnen direkt auf der Ausstellerfläche statt. Daher auch der leicht angepasste Name der Veranstaltung von „Greener Manufacturing Show“ zu „Greener Manufacturing Conference & Expo“. Die Themen der Konferenz und der Messe drehen sich alle um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Zirkularität. Die Themen der drei Konferenzstränge sind: Sustainable Materials and Chemicals, Greener Manufacturing / Plastic Waste free World und Net-zero Operations. Es werden mehr als 250 Aussteller, 4000+ Besucher (Industrievertreter und Executives) und ca. 100 Speaker erwartet.
Der BIO.NRWs Gemeinschaftsstand läuft unter dem Slogan „Marketplace of Innovations“ und wird spannende Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen aus der Bioökonomie und Biotechnologie NRWs präsentieren.
Unser Gemeinschaftsstand ist für dieses Jahr leider schon ausgebucht aber wir freuen uns natürlich auf Ihren Besuch an unserem Stand!
English Version:
Be part of BIO.NRWs joint booth at the Greener Manufacturing Conference & Expo
For the 4th time in a row, BIO.NRW is organising a joint stand for NRW companies, research institutions and associations/projects at the The Greener Manufacturing Show (GMS) at the Cologne trade fair.
New this year: The conference part of the GMS will take place on three stages directly on the exhibitor area. Hence the slight change in the name of the event from “Greener Manufacturing Show” to “Greener Manufacturing Conference & Expo”. The topics of the conference and the trade fair all revolve around the theme of sustainability and circularity. The themes of the three conference strands are: Sustainable Materials and Chemicals, Greener Manufacturing / Plastic Waste free World and Net-zero Operations. More than 250 exhibitors, 4000+ visitors (industry representatives and executives) and approx. 100 speakers are expected.
BIO.NRW’s joint stand runs under the slogan “Marketplace of Innovations” and will present exciting products, services and innovations from NRW’s bioeconomy and biotechnology.
We are sorry to say that our joint stand is fully booked for this year, but we look forward to welcoming you at our booth!
Some impressions from last years BIO.NRW joint booth:
 | 13.11. – 14.11.2024 | |
 | Koelnmesse | |
contact: Ms. Pia Drache stand booking: form |
Meet our sub exhibitors
The BIO.NRW joint stand offers space for the presentation of the innovative solutions of our sub exhibitors for a sustainable and climate friendly industry. We have a broad spectrum of institutions and enterprise representatives at our stand. Click below to find out, who you can meet at our stand.
CLIB - Cluster industrial Biotechnology
CLIB – Cluster industrial Biotechnology is an international open-innovation cluster of large companies, small- to medium-size enterprises (SMEs), start- ups, academic institutes and universities, as well as other stakeholders active in biotechnology and the circular bioeconomy. In our non-profit association, the members shape our cluster’s interests and activities, and we work to promote industrial biotechnology in sustainable processes. We are active since 2008 and have built a strong and trustworthy network since then. Together with our members, we are putting our mission into practice: networking biotechnology – creating sustainability. Our membership of over 110 organisations comprises an international share of about 25 %. We are based in Düsseldorf, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia: the chemistry and industry heartland of Germany, well connected to the neighbouring chemical regions of the Netherlands and Belgium. We do not see ourselves as a regional, but an international cluster, connected by a joint vision for biotechnology in a sustainable circular bioeconomy. We connect our members within and beyond the cluster to initiate new research and business projects. Our goal is to network stakeholders along and across value networks and to identify new opportunities
DNTOX specializes in animal experiment-free neurotoxicity testing services for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Our expertise lies in the assessment of potential harms of chemical substances to the developing or adult brain. By combining unique human cell-based 2D and 3D test systems with state-of-the-art machine learning technology, we provide a faster, more cost-effective and more human-relevant alternative to traditionally used rodent studies. In addition to the use for regulatory purposes, our cost- and time-effective tests can be implemented as a routine screening during the development of new chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Our clients can thus protect their investments by mitigating the risk of a late-stage safety-related dropout of new developments. By facilitating the development of chemicals that are safe and sustainable by design, our innovative services contribute to the protection of public health and the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability Towards a Toxic-Free Environment, which is a key commitment of the European Green Deal.
KlarTEXt is a cooperation platform for the dynamization of a sustainable and transformative textile industry. In order to lower the enormous environmental impact of textile production, use and disposal, approaches to reduce raw material consumption, establish end-of-life solutions for textile products and minimize the release of fibrous microplastics are urgently needed. With the KlarTEXt partners DWI – Leibniz-Institute for Interactive Materials e.V., Hochschule Niederrhein – University of Applied Sciences and Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, we are combining our expertise in the disciplines of polymer chemistry, biotechnology, textile technology and circular economy, sustainability and stakeholder management to drive forward the biological transformation of the textile and clothing industry. In a synergetic effort, we aim to strengthen collaboration between academia, companies and society and develop new sustainable processes and material solutions for a better future. In addition, the research topics are to be shared with society in an understandable language. This economic and social participation will make upcoming innovations in areas such as biopolymers and biotechnology relevant to the textile industry.
In a world increasingly aware of environmental pollutants, the invisible menace of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) poses a significant health risk, silently infiltrating our food and beverages. Despite growing concerns, existing technologies fall short, unable to quantify nanoplastic particles in small samples effectively. This is where PlastiQuant steps in, to be founded by Dr. Francisca Contreras and Dr. Marian Bienstein from RWTH University’s Biotechnology Institute. PlastiQuant’s innovative approach utilizes peptides to precisely detect MNPs, drastically reducing the required sample volume to just one liter. Its service of certification for nanoplastic-free goods extends beyond testing, offering subscriptions for continuous product line certifications and after-sales consulting. Initially penetrating the filtration market as a key enabler for later markets, by certifying the nanoplastic clearance capacity of filters, we aim to adapt swiftly to the beverage industry, anticipating a significant market pull driven by forthcoming regulations regarding nanoplastic in food beverages.
Taros Chemicals
Taros Chemicals is a leading, family-owned European headquartered CRO/CDMO dedicated to providing sustainable and innovative chemistry solutions to a diverse range of clients, from startups to established enterprises. With over two decades of experience, we have built a reputation for excellence in delivering both, drug discovery chemistry as well as high-performance chemical solutions that drive growth, enhance processes, and meet the evolving demands of various industries. Our team of experienced synthetic, organic, and analytical chemists, based in state-of-the-art facilities in Germany and India, specializes in a wide array of R&D services. These include route-scouting, process development & optimization, large-scale synthesis, and the production of high-quality material in both, batch and flow-chemistry infrastructure. We are committed to advancing the field of green chemistry by incorporating sustainable practices, such as selecting eco-friendly raw materials and developing safer, more environmentally responsible chemical products and processes. At Taros, we believe in a tailored approach, fully adapting our project management to the specific needs of each client. Whether our cllents are looking to scale up production, optimize existing processes, or develop new molecules and products, our customized solutions and proactive problem-solving ensure our clients achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.
Wax Solutions
Wax Solutions: We connect. And supply coatings. Our mission: We replace plastics. We develop and supply biobased, non-fossil, barrier coatings for the paper and packaging industry, converters and printers. Our individualised products focus on fibre-based food and non-food packaging. Our coatings provide barrier characteristics against water, watervapour or fat and enable functionalities that meet our customer’s demand, such as sealability for flexible packaging papers. We develop and supply Ready-to-use coatings as well as Booster coatings to enhance the performance of existing solutions. The products are tailor-made and may be applied using existing application technologies for aqueous coatings. All products are furthermore stable in storage and process and allow full recyclability of the fibres. Natural, non-fossil, components, like natural waxes, are the base of our formulations – explaining the companies’ name. Connecting the value chain from raw material producers to retailers for the packaged goods is key to us. We solve challenges in joint projects togetherwith participants of the value chain to allow efficient solutions. We are a spin-off from a German food manufacturer and – although we consider ourselves a start-up – we already supply industry-scale quantities. We are ready to solve your barrier challenge!