You want to have a better grasp of the EU and German bioeconomy strategy, what impact they will have on the textile industry and how BIOTEXFUTURE is contributing its part? Then join our 5th BIOTEXFUTURE Forum titled “Shaping the Future of the Bio-Based Textile Value Chain” on MAY 18, 2022 between 1 pm and 5 pm.
Want some more info? Here you go:
Not only the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, but also the European Commission will present the newest developments regarding the respective bioeconomy strategy. The nova-institute will give further insights on the future impact of these strategies.
Beyond the regulatory stage setting the nine BIOTEXFUTURE projects
will present how they contribute with their research to switch from petroleum-based textile industry to a future bio-based textile industry.
In the closing panel discussion the BIOTEXFUTURE Advisory Board will elaborate on how possible stumbling blocks on the way to such a future can be overcome.