Release of the new Spot on Biotechnology Science 2021/2022
At the end of 2021, we present the publication of the new edition of the brochure „Spot on Biotechnology Science“.
After 2013 and 2016, the updated third edition of the brochure, where you can find out more about North Rhine-Westphalia’s (NRW) huge research scene focusing on biotechnology, bioeconomy, and related life sciences, is now being published.
With the publication, we would like to contribute to the networking of the dynamic research infrastructure of NRW. We hope that the brochure supports you to get the information you are looking for and identifying the right partners to collaborate with. A keyword index, explanatory profile texts, and information on direct contacts provide you with bundled information at a glance. The English brochure contains more than 260* profiles of institutes and departments from NRW’s universities, universities of applied sciences, Fraunhofer Society, Helmholtz Association, Leibniz Association, and Max Planck Society, which focuses on biotechnology and bioeconomy. Moreover, Clusters of Excellence and further research institutes of NRW with this focus are included with separate profiles.
You can also visit our scientific database which is made available to you free of charge on our website. The database will be updated shortly according to the brochure, so that you may conveniently use free text or categories to get a quick search result.
At the Deutsche Biotechnologietage 2021 we have already been able to give you a sneak preview of the publication – we are pleased to be able to provide you now with the final result of the complete brochure.
Here you may download the online version of the publication.
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*no claim to completeness