Participate at our Events
around the topic Biotech
Upcoming events
Webinar on the biotech hub Singapore & Malaysia
14. BIO.NRW Business Angel Congress
NRW-Gemeinschaftsstand auf der BIO International Convention in Boston, USA
Biotechnologie Delegationsreise nach Singapur und Malaysia
From our partners
Ohne Moos nix los!
Horizont Europa: Cluster 6, Missionen und das Neue Europäische Bauhaus – Ihre Fördermöglichkeiten 2025
CLIB International Conference CIC2025
BioProcessingDays 2025
In science – especially in the life sciences – international cooperations are not an option, but they are a prerequisite for remaining competitive in top global research topics. Especially for SMEs located in NRW, it is becoming increasingly important to enter into future markets or to generate international R&D collaborations.
In addition to the traditionally important North American and Japanese markets, the emerging countries of Asia such as China, India, Korea and two other so-called BRIC countries, Russia and Brazil, play an important role in the global biotechnology and bioeconomy. Brazil, Russia and Canada are particularly interesting for companies of NRW because of their natural resources, their economic- and academic contacts, and their cooperation opportunities in the fields of industrial biotechnology and bioeconomy.
BIO.NRW’s internationalization strategy focuses on the EU, USA, Japan, India and China. BIO.NRW supports companies from NRW in their internationalization efforts by organizing delegation trips to the respective countries, which are especially designed for biotech companies. In addition, BIO.NRW offers representatives of companies and research institutions from NRW the opportunity to present themselves at joint BIO.NRW booths at the leading trade fairs of the various regions. A selection of important trade fairs in different regions is listed below.
Bio Asia
Hyderbad, India | 17. – 19. February 2021
Bio Expo Japan/ Biotech Japan
digital | 09. – 10. March 2021
Bio Europe Spring
digital | 22. – 24. March 2021
Exclusive BIO.NRW discount!
Bio International Convention USA
digital | 14. – 17. June 2021
Stuttgart, Germany | 20. – 21. September 2021
Greener Manufacturing Show
Cologne, Germany | 09. – 10. November 2021
For more information please contact Mrs. Gräfe