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Current information in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic

At this point BIO.NRW offers all companies and scientists in NRW a platform with actual informations in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes support programs and funding from the state, the federal government and the EU as well as relevant news from companies and science.

In addition, we also offer you the possibility of individual cooperation and contact requests: If you have offers for your (product) development regarding COVID-19 in the fields of diagnostics, therapy, prevention, clinical studies or in a broader sense to medical technology solutions and/or are looking for partners, please feel free to contact us via email at .

We will publish your offers and/or requests in this area. In case you do not wish to publish your information, you are nevertheless welcome to contact the office so that we can support you while maintaining confidentiality.

Click here for the contact form.

Corona platform of the EU with information on funding opportunities related with Covid-19

Corona platform of the EU with information on funding opportunities related with Covid-19

The platform is a one-stop-shop providing comprehensive information about funding opportunities in relation to Coronavirus at European Union and national level ...
Overview of COVID-19 associated (and general) funding, financing, information

Overview of COVID-19 associated (and general) funding, financing, information

BIO.NRW offers you here a selection and overview of funding and support programs in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that also non COVID-19, open research calls can support your current research activities. Overview of Corona-specific funding and financing ...

COVID-19 News

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NRW against Covid-19

In this map you will find a selection of companies and start-ups developing either therapies, vaccines or diagnostics for COVID-19 in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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