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The Elevator Pitch

Outlook for 2024: Part 2

During the past year, we developed the idea of presenting start-ups in an elevator pitch.

In a pilot episode, our colleague Dr. Jasmin Schubert took on the role of entrepreneur and showed how you can introduce and pitch your own start-up in 60 seconds.

The idea is not new, but we want to give it new impetus. And we believe that in very small spaces – like an elevator – there are endless opportunities for presenting your own enterprise, your own idea, in a creative way and for standing out from the crowd and attracting attention.

We hope to use our project, which is still in its infancy, to enable this initial connection between enthusiasts, kindred spirits, and investors. Ideally, a series will develop out of it within the next two years. The planning starts in March, and filming will begin in May. The only thing we need from you is a little of your time and motivation. Get in touch with us, if you would like to be involved. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact person: Stefan Rensch ()


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