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Review of Biotech Beats Reloaded

This year’s Biotech Beats was hotter, more exciting, and more diverse than ever before. And travelling to the event by ferry in over 30 °C? No problem. Well, maybe a little. But there was an excellent atmosphere nonetheless!

The event was once again a resounding success with some fantastic and highly communicative guests. The laugher, the conversations, and the celebrations by the beach went on until gone 22:00.

Some highlights from the event:

  • Incredibly fascinating start-up pitches from DNTOX, Mycolever, VitrofluidiX, and The Oater
  • An entertaining look back at 15 years of BIO.NRW with Nils Schrader, Bernward Garthoff, and Christian Feiler
  • The drone photo with our favourite guests
  • Our highly popular speaker Doc Esser, who put us all to rights in a very entertaining talk on the subjects of diet and exercise, and how the mention of dietary supplements brings tears to his eyes.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s event!