Overcoming recruitment hurdles in the life sciences sector
The role of ScieMatch in connecting companies and graduates
The latest trend surveys by the industry association BIO Deutschland show the growing challenges for companies: The shortage of skilled labour poses a real threat to the economic growth of our industry. However, the survey results also point to fundamental recruitment problems. Many recruiters are not using the right channels to reach potential candidates, leading to missed opportunities on both sides.
At the same time, the student initiative btS e.V. has observed that students and graduates have difficulties finding suitable jobs in the life sciences sector. This discrepancy between companies and graduates shows that both sides often miss the point.
A fundamental misunderstanding lies in the perception: life science students rarely use career platforms such as LinkedIn, as these mainly focus on work experience and professional networks. Many students are insufficiently informed about local and industry-leading companies and do not know in which areas they are active or where interesting employers can be found.
Starting a career is therefore difficult for many life science students and graduates. To counteract this, btS has launched the ScieMatch platform. This platform helps users to find the right job profile or company through a detailed self-assessment. ScieMatch is proving to be a useful tool for both sides: Companies can reach out to potential candidates and expand their recruitment strategy. It is crucial to include biotech talent with fresh university degrees in these strategies. Given the great need for information about potential employers, ScieMatch can provide valuable support.
Find more information and an image film here.
image source: Nataliia Protsenko / btS e.V.