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The NRW Biotech Scence at a Glance

Since many years, BIO.NRW has published the brochure series: “Spot ons”. These brochures contain extensive information on the biotechnology scene in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). The annual “Spot on Biotechnology Business” focuses on the biotechnology companies in NRW and the “Spot on Biotechnology Science” on the biotechnology research landscape in NRW. Both brochures are available for download on our media page. If you would like to receive printed copies, please order them using our order forms for the respective brochures.

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Our Databases

Database of Biotech Companies

in North-Rhine Westphalia

BIO.NRW offers you a free of charge, well-structured and comprehensive database of Life science and biotechnology companies in North-Rhine Westphalia. The information includes company profiles with contact details, a summary of products, services, and technologies.

Academic Database

in North-Rhine Westphalia

This database is the first of its kind in Germany and aims to facilitate the cooperation between science and industry. The database is updated constantly.


publications and presentations

BIO.NRW offers you information about the science and business location of North-Rhine Westphalia. Besides you can find information about financing, subsidies and other exciting topics of the biotechnology and bioeconomy field.



Geschäftsstelle BIO.NRW
Merowingerplatz 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 (0)211 385 469 – 9200
Fax: +49 (0)211 385 469 – 9220

Please feel free to contact us

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